Free Scalp Analysis

The Hair Center is a hair restoration clinic in California, United States. We specialize in treating hair loss and baldness for both men and women. Our treatment options include hair transplantation, scalp reduction surgery, and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy. We also offer hair care products to help maintain healthy hair. We aim to provide our patients with the best hair restoration experience possible. We strive to provide the highest quality care and customer service. Our team of highly experienced professionals is dedicated to providing the best outcomes for our patients. We are committed to helping our patients achieve their hair restoration goals.

During a hair restoration analysis, a trained professional, such as a dermatologist or a trichologist, will assess several factors to determine the cause and extent of hair loss. These factors may include :

  • Medical history : The professional will inquire about any underlying medical conditions, such as thyroid problems or hormonal imbalances, that could contribute to hair loss.
  • Scalp examination : The scalp will be examined visually and sometimes through specialized equipment, such as a magnifier or a digital microscope. This examination helps identify scalp conditions, such as psoriasis or seborrheic dermatitis, which can cause hair loss.
  • Hair quality and density : The professional will assess the thickness, texture, and overall health of the existing hair to determine its quality and density. They may use a hair pull test to check the hair's strength and resistance.
  • Pattern and distribution of hair loss : The professional will examine the pattern and distribution of hair loss to identify specific conditions, such as male pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia), female pattern hair loss, or alopecia areata.
  • Hair follicle health : The health of the hair follicles is crucial in determining the potential for hair restoration. The professional may check for signs of inflammation, miniaturization (shrinking) of hair follicles, or scarring that could impact the success of hair restoration treatments.

Based on the findings of the analysis, the professional will discuss possible hair restoration treatment options with the individual. These options may include medications (such as minoxidil or finasteride), low-level laser therapy, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatments, or surgical hair restoration procedures like hair transplantation.